Semi-supervised Dependency Parsing

Document Type: Original Article


University of Guilan


DSpace is a platform that allows you to capture items in any format – in text, video, audio, and data. It distributes it over the web. It indexes your work, so users can search and retrieve your items. It preserves your digital work over the long term.
DSpace provides a way to manage your research materials and publications in a professionally maintained repository to give them greater visibility and accessibility over time.
DSpace is typically used as an institutional repository. It has three main roles:
1. Facilitate the capture and ingest of materials, including metadata about the materials
2. Facilitate easy access to the materials, both by listing and searching
3. Facilitate the long term preservation of the materials
• Getting your research results out quickly, to a worldwide audience
• Reaching a worldwide audience through exposure to search engines such as Google
• Storing reusable teaching materials that you can use with course management systems
• Archiving and distributing material you would currently put on your personal website
• Storing examples of students’ projects (with the students’ permission)
• Showcasing students’ theses (again with permission)
• Keeping track of your own publications/bibliography
• Having a persistent network identifier for your work, that never changes or breaks
• No more page charges for images. You can point to your images’ persistent identifiers in your published articles.


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